MIT researchers highlight the impacts of logjams in river restoration projects
New analysis can help scientists and engineers better assess flood risk and habitat creation associated with restoration efforts.
How MIT’s rocket, electric car, and solar vehicle teams have adjusted to the pandemic
When Covid-19 forced Edgerton Center student teams off campus, the engineers found their problem-solving skills put to the test.
MIT undergraduates pursue research opportunities through the pandemic
Working remotely this summer, students worked to better understand human intelligence and to advance machine learning applications.
National Science Foundation Convergence Accelerator awards two grants to MIT
Funding will support workshops to advance research, development, and translation in emerging areas of socioresilient and sustainable infrastructure, and in ocean environments.
Regina Barzilay wins $1M Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Squirrel AI award
MIT professor announced as award’s first recipient for work in cancer diagnosis and drug synthesis.
SMART researchers develop fast and efficient method to produce red blood cells
New technology cuts cell culture time by half and uses more targeted cell sorting and purification methods.
3Q: Fighting racism in the nuclear community
MIT’s Katlyn Turner and four other nuclear scientists issue a call for antiracist actions within their profession.
Professor Emeritus Edward Merrill, chemical engineer who helped found the field of bioengineering, dies at 96
Biomaterials pioneer considered “the premier biomedical engineer of the 20th century.”
Teaching mechanical engineering in a pandemic
Faculty and teaching staff at MIT are piloting new methods of teaching hands-on, project-based classes this semester.
Engineers produce a fisheye lens that’s completely flat
The single piece of glass produces crisp panoramic images.